Leave it tied as it will keep it shape and style.
Change your water every day, with slightly cold water (15 degrees) for a good hydration.
Avoid full sun and keep the room temperature slightly cooler around 20 degrees Celcius.
Leave it tied as it will keep it shape and style.
Change your water every day, with slightly cold water (15 degrees) for a good hydration.
Avoid full sun and keep the room temperature slightly cooler around 20 degrees Celcius.
Most of them come from tropical areas and prefer a sunny and warm room temperature (24 degrees Celcius).
Keep them away from heaters in winter because the air is too dry.
Watering should be done once a week, if the soil is dry or the pot is light weight when you lift it.
Make sure there is no water sitting at the bottom of the pot , to avoid infestations of insects, diseases and other pests that thrive in those conditions.
Fertilize with a 20-20-20 type to help them to produce and keep nice leaves. Follow manufacturer instructions. In winter, stop the fertilization because most of them are dormant and start again in March.
Most of the them, with some exceptions, need a good amount of sun. It’s not a question of intensity but rather of being exposed for a sufficient time period, to produce great flowers. A south east orientation is usually the best for an optimal blooming.
Water them once a week minimum, but in summer, if their surrounding becomes warmer, the plants may need more watering. Make sure the soil is dry or that the pot is of rather light weight when you lift it. Don’t leave stagnating water at the bottom of the pot to avoid infestations or diseases. You can use some 15-30-15 fertilizer to extend the blooming period.
Phalaenopsis Orchids need a good amount of humidity because of the composition of the soil (a mix of bark pieces, wood chips ….) a daily vaporization only of the leaves is needed. To water them we recommend to fill the pot with room temperature water and leave it there for approx. 10 min and remove all the excess water from it is you don’t want to overwater. This way you assure her a high degree of moisturation for the week . Do that all year and maybe twice a week in summer time if the room is over heated.
A south east spot is the best for an optimal bloom (not in full sun but a long period of sunlight). When the main stem is faded, remove the flowers but don’t cut the stem. You will miss lateral stem that will give you multiple blooming. It is fastert for those secondary stems to bloom then to start a new one at the base.
Cyclamen and poinsettia’s strive in part shade and cooler temperature, avoid placing them near a heater in winter time. Keep the soil slightly moist at the touch or lift the pot and water them only if it is light weight.
Cyclamen and African violet prefer to be watered at the bottom this will avoid rotting the core of it.
This is based on ours observation in store and over the years.
For more information don’t hesitate to contact us.
Add water to the container if needed to keep the floral foam moist.
Avoid full sun and keep the room temperature slightly cooler around 20 degrees Celsius.
1) For a month or more, we offer you to take care of them in pension, for a low price.
2) For 7 to 15 days….We advice you to water them generously and regroup them in the middle of a sunny room but do not expose them to full sun. They will suffer more to have a deficit of light then water. If you think that some will need more watering put them in a deeper dish and add water.